BOTW: No More Dreaded Mondays

I was first exposed to Dan Miller on the Dave Ramsey podcasts, and so I was pretty excited about getting to read and review his book, No More Dreaded Mondays, through the Blogging for Books program for Waterbrook Multnomah publishers.
Miller has a very relaxed writing style, and his years of career coaching give him the voice of credibility needed to challenge the traditional workforce mindset about how we should all dread Mondays and the beginning of a new work week. The author maintains that the word “vocation” actually comes from the Latin word meaning “to call,” and suggests that all of us, when we find our true calling, will find the passion in what we do and will look forward to work instead of dreading it.
Chock full of inspirational quotes and real-life examples of people who left their traditional jobs to pursue new careers in line with their gifts and passions, this book will make you want to consider carefully what you choose to give your time and energy to in your working years.
Throughout the book, Miller has placed sidebars which he calls “Revolutionary Insights.” These quickly became my favorite part of the book, as they contained stories of how creative ideas had sparked tremendous success for the brave new “revolutionaries,” which is the term Miller ascribes to those who are leaving the traditional “pay for time worked” career landscape for the new “pay for results achieved” landscape.
Once you pick up No More Dreaded Mondays, I can guarantee you’ll be inspired and full of ideas about how you can inject more passion into your calling, or else excited about the possibilities that lie ahead as you find it.
5 stars!
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