In the Old Testament we find the story of Gideon. He was used by God to defeat a massive enemy without a massive army. He spent time in the dark because he was afraid to be seen. He tested God twice with a fleece because he didn’t know if he was the one to pass the test.
His response to the Lord’s call?
“My clan is the weakest, and I am the least in my family.” (Judges 6:15) In other words, I’m the weakest of the weak and You want to use me to do something great?
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Sometimes God picks the runt to make the enemy run. It was true in Gideon’s life, and it can be true in our lives, too. What’s important to remember is that the One calling is more important than the one called. Our yes to that call is much more an affirmation of God’s power than it is our ability.
It’s okay to be weak and even to be confused about how your weakness can be useful in God’s plan. But never forget this: God uses the weakest among us to accomplish the greatest works for Him.
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