The day between the cross and the resurrection seems to always be misunderstood at worst and overlooked at best. Because it’s the day right in the middle of the greatest sacrifice and the greatest victory, it tends to be seen as a day to stop and rest as we get ready for The Big Day.
I think there is so much more to this day than that.
Call me simple-minded, but I believe the reason Jesus rose on the third day and not the second is because God wanted us to never forget that He is ALWAYS working behind the scenes.
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And so, He inserted a day that seemed pointless to make a point.
What we see isn’t all there is to see, and while the first followers of Jesus grieved on that first middle Saturday, God was busy in the unseen securing the keys to hell and the grave.
The middle isn’t just a place to pause. It’s also a place to pivot.
From death to life.
From sorrow to joy.
From sickness to healing.
From disappointment and despair to hope and peace.
This is the day that no one saw coming, and it changed everything.