What is tolerated in one generation will be celebrated in the next.
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I think we tend to push back on a statement like that, and yet history shows its truth, especially in the church.
We put up with a little immorality here and a little unbelief there, and eventually another generation grows up celebrating the “grace” that allows them to live unchanged.
Paul talked about this in his letter to the Corinthian church and highlighted the “little goes the wrong way” principle when he pointed out an immorality that was so bad even pagans didn’t celebrate it. That’s like when you’re too drunk for your drunk friends!
His conclusion? “Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?” (1 Corinthians 5:6 NIV)
Today we’re seeing a return to holiness rising in the church. It isn’t a “put your hair up in a bun” holiness, but rather an “I want to remove every barrier that keeps me from intimacy with my Father” holiness. It isn’t about legalism, but love — heaven’s agape love.
It’s time for us to repent over the sin that we’ve tolerated and run to the Father who has been waiting for our wholehearted return. That is the road to the real celebration that God has planned all along.