During the holidays, our family traveled to the land of fire ants and hell-simulating summers (I’m looking at you, Columbia, SC) to celebrate Christmas with The B99’s side of the family. Along with eating more food than seems humanly possible, we also had some fun playing some Minute To Win It types of games (shout out to my niece, Megan, for organizing all the craziness!!). My favorite one involved stacking marshmallows, and whoever had the most normal-sized marshmallows stacked one on top of the other after a minute was the winner.
I think I won, or at least tied for the win, but I’m not here to brag (unless stacking marshmallows really impresses you and makes you want to subscribe to my stuff).
What I noticed was how each person would step up to the table absolutely convinced that he or she could build a really tall marshmallow tower, only to end up with a tower of one when the time ran out and their stack had fallen. This happened almost ever single time, and it didn’t matter what technique the stacker employed. We had smashers, lickers, and shapers, and yet no one was able to get higher than four, and like I said earlier, most of the four-marshmallow towers ended up as one when the three on top fell over at the end.