G90X – Day 20
DAY TWENTY (1 Samuel 2:30 – 1 Samuel 15)
Interesting that God seems to put an end to the “automatic in” to the priesthood based on bloodlines and instead chose men based on the heart. (1 Samuel 2:30)
Never noticed that the Lord saw to it that SAMUEL’S MESSAGES were fulfilled. Do I proclaim truth with that awareness and expectation? (1 Samuel 3:19)
God’s presence isn’t a magic formula, and having the ark in their camp didn’t necessarily equate to His provision. (1 Samuel 4)
Being in the presence of God without the presence of God being in us doesn’t always work out well. (1 Samuel 5:5-12)
1 Samuel 6 and 7 shed a lot of light on the story found in 1 Chronicles 13. I’ll make the points when I read that in the plan.
Bad things happen when we’re motivated to be “like all the other nations.” (1 Samuel 8:5)
This was a bad trade. The King for a king. (1 Samuel 8:7)
It’s so easy to hide from God’s destiny behind the baggage. (1 Samuel 10:21-22)
Leadership question: will we wait for God or be moved by the reactions of men? (1 Samuel 13:8)
In 1 Samuel 15 God gave a very clear command (v. 3) and Saul found at least 5 ways to botch it. All of it led to one of the saddest verses in the Bible (v. 35).