What are you clinging to?
Not much frustrates me as deeply as plastic wrap.
It’s just, well, too clingy for me. And yet, if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t really do what it’s supposed to do, right? After all, if we need to wrap something in plastic, then we need that plastic to cling in order to properly seal what we’re wrapping.
And yet, too often what I end up wrapping is my hand or just a big wad of plastic wrap. And plastic wrap is useless if it’s clinging to the wrong things.
So is our faith. It’s good to have faith — especially super clingy faith, the kind that holds on and refuses to let go. But unless that faith is clinging to the right thing, it’s kind of frustrating and pointless, like my hand wrapped in plastic or a big ball of plastic wrapped up in itself.
Psalm 20:7 talks about people who cling to chariots and horses. We don’t see many people getting around with those things nowadays (I mean, when was the last time you passed a chariot on the interstate?), but what are some of the wrong things we cling to today? Money, possessions, relationships, a never-ending stash of chocolate to raid in the middle of the night?
I’m sure we could all name a lot of things that make us clingy, but the Psalmist tells us that there is only one thing worth clinging to: the name of the Lord our God.
[Tweet “There’s only one thing worth clinging to: His name is Jesus.”]Today, wrap yourself around Jesus and never let go.
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