Getting to the point
We use phrases like “tip of the spear” to describe people and groups of people that go first, especially in dangerous and risky situations.
One website defined it this way:
Traditionally, the term is used by military strategists, tacticians, and historians to describe the sudden and overwhelming use of combat force to pierce an enemy’s first line of defense.
I love that. Maybe you do, too. Honestly, maybe I love the thought of being the tip of the spear more than I like the process of becoming the tip of the spear.
Think about it. A tip is sharp, and the only way it gets sharp is by being narrow. That means that the closer we get to the point, the less is actually around us.
Tips are small, not big (unless we’re talking about the tips believers should be leaving servers, and those should be HUGE!). They’re sharp, not blunt. They have to be that way in order to cut through the enemy’s defense with precision.
Too many believers are trying to win the fight through blunt force trauma. They go around with a bunch of Bible verses, crushing anything and anybody who they consider an enemy. They’re content with casualties if it means they get victories. These are the people who never weep over the lost as they present them with the reality of hell. They work furiously to see heaven on earth, but more so that they can enjoy earth than that others can gain heaven.
People with that type of motivation will never be useful in the end-time army because that army will require an edge that allows for precision. That army will need the stealth that allows it to be wise as a serpent and yet innocent as doves. This is an army who wants to empty hell, so that heaven can be filled. Winning the war with unnecessary collateral damage isn’t an option for them because they serve a Commander who desires that none should perish. They weep when they speak of hell, and rejoice when they talk of heaven.
They run to the enemy because they know that the Lord is on their side, and that no weapon in the enemy’s hands will prosper. They are an army of worshipers, and their praise on the battlefield is more strategic than any plan drawn up in a boardroom. Because they know that they have been formed by the Commander’s, they don’t fear what’s been formed against them by the enemy.
This army is fierce, and focused. She is sharp because she has not run from the crucible where iron sharpens iron and where the living Word cuts deep. She is no longer content with church as usual because she knows that she is called to the unusual. She has been pruned, and now that she has been stripped down, she is ready to stand up and fight.
This is the army that will be at the tip of the spear.
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