Almost, not quite

We’ve all heard that close only matters in horseshoes and hand grenades.
I guess there’s some truth to that, and yet it seems as if that statement takes away any of the positives from actually getting close.
It takes some effort and some skill to get close, unless we’re talking about my golf game, and then luck may play a role, too.
In truth, as we approach the final month of the year, I’m close to some goals:
I’m a month away from journaling every day for the second straight year.
I’m a month away from writing every day this year.
I’m a few thousand words short of writing 100,000 words this year.
I’m almost there, but not quite there, and I think that’s the point of the old saying about horseshoes. It’s good to be close, but not as good as being done, and the only way to finish something is by not settling for just getting close.
My guess is that you’re close to some things, too. Don’t stop close. Keep moving closer until your almost turns into an all done.
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