Reading Time: 2 minutes
My thoughts on a Tuesday about a Sunday:
1. We saw a record number of people in our worship experience this past Sunday. Numbers are a funny thing, of course, and can quickly become the wrong focus, but when I see a crowd like that, it always makes me smile. God is doing something amazing in our church, and it’s cool, awesome, humbling and downright fun to be a part of it. I mean, when something is good, why wouldn’t you want everyone you now to experience it with you, right?! I LOVE MY CHURCH!
2. To those of you who are doing G90X and you’re still at it: WOW!! I have to admit that I find myself a day or two behind, but at over 50 days into this amazing trek through the Bible in 90 days, I’m finding insights into God’s word every single day. I have no doubt that you are, too. If you’ve falling so far behind that you think catching up is impossible, than make sure you don’t stop reading the Bible even if you stop following your Bible reading plan. THIS STUFF IS GOOD!!
3. Thanks to all of you who have brought your baby bottles back! The Pregnancy Resource Center has begun the long job of counting all the coins collected, and so you still have time to bring your bottle with you to church and we’ll get it to them. Remember, even if your bottle’s empty, it still helps them to get it back.
4. In news related to number 1, we are getting closer to a location that will provide us the space we need to do the best ministry possible for the people that God is entrusting to us. Please keep the elders in your prayers as we seek God for HIS PLAN more than OUR PLACE. We can’t wait to see what’s next!!!
5. We need T-shirt designs!! If you’re gifted at creative stuff, why not mock one up for us? If we use yours, then, well, you can point at people in Wal-Mart who are wearing them and shout out, “I designed that!!”
6. COMMUNITY GROUPS, COMMUNITY GROUPS, COMMUNITY GROUPS! In real estate, it’s all about location, right? Well, at The Gathering, it’s all about Community Groups. These are the places where you will make – and keep – the truest relationships you’ve ever known. Get to one this week and start digging deeper. You can find one near you here.
7. And finally, WE WANT TO TEXT YOU! If you’re like most people, then you know that email is so last week, and texting is so much easier! We’ll let you know all the latest updates and news at The Gathering by text message if you’d like! All you’ve got to do is text iGather to 99000 and we’ll take care of the rest!