A little over a year ago, our family started making plans for a 2021 Family Extravaganza. Since 2021 was going to be a year of big things (3 graduations and a 30-year anniversary), we decided to celebrate in a “bigger than usual” way.
Today, after a year of planning and saving, we finished booking all the stuff we’ll need for a family trip to Utah. As each email with the word CONFIRMED in the subject line came into my inbox, my smile got a little bigger, but so did the revelation from the Holy Spirit.
Just as our family has anticipated this trip for a year and even wondered if it would happen because of all the stuff that’s happened in that year, we often go through this life hoping and doubting. Praying things will work out and then panicking a bit when it seems they won’t.
But there is something about that word CONFIRMATION that sets all of that aside. There is no more worry about what will happen on June 8, 2021. Our family WILL get on a plane, and we WILL sleep in another place, and we WILL celebrate! It’s booked, and we have the confirmation to back it up.
Paul reminds us of an even greater booking that took place when we chose to trust and follow Jesus. In Ephesians 1:14, he wrote.
“The Spirit is God’s guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him.” (Ephesians 1:14 NLT, emphasis mine)
My salvation, my inheritance, and all the promises of God have been booked for me and the Holy Spirit is my CONFIRMATION. God WILL bring us to our destination no matter what the journey holds. HE HAS CONFIRMED IT!!!
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