“Burpee” means Satan in 38 languages

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Another attempt to perform even a partial workout off the list of 30 CrossFit workouts has left me begging for mercy.
I’m not sure who first invented the burpee, but I’m pretty sure his name was Satan. These things are tough. It sounds like a fun kids game, but it was all I could do to knock out one-fourth of the 100 burpees that the workout called for. The time for me to do just 25 of Satan’s exercise? 3 minutes and 45 seconds.
Now I want you to do 25 and let me know your time so I have something to shoot for as I look to improve while I do CrossFit on a budget. I’m sure you can beat my time. And while you’re trying, be sure to tell Satan hello. 😉
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