Job 32:2-3
Then Elihu…became angry. He was angry because Job refused to admit that he had sinned and that God was right in punishing him. He was also angry with Job’s three friends, for they made God appear to be wrong…
On my current chronological journey through the Bible, I find myself in Job. It is, I admit, one of my favorite books in the Bible. For me, it’s a lot like watching Hannity and Colmes on Fox News – you know they’re not going to agree but you watch them go back and forth saying the same things over and over again while their counterpart makes silly faces and shakes his head. Job is a constant point, counterpoint until the end of chapter 31 when Job is finally done talking and his friends are finally done talking to him. Then, just as we’re catching our breath, in walks Elihu, full of anger and empty words. It is the reason he was angry that caught my attention. Look at it with me and see what I mean.
First, he’s mad at Job. He can’t believe that he’s had to sit and listen to Job all this time and never once hear him confess his sin. Obviously, according to Elihu, God punishes bad people and therefore the punishment in Job’s life is clear-cut proof of his badness. Job has wasted his time by missing such a fundamental belief. Then there are Job’s friends. Elihu is mad at them for Continue reading