Reading Time: 2 minutes
I love it when God reminds me that I’m His.
I used to only love it in the big things, or, maybe to put it more accurately, I used to only recognize it in the big things. If I got a raise, or a surprise gift, or a kind word, or a packed house to preach to on a Sunday morning, it was because I was God’s kid — a King’s kid.
But now I’m learning to recognize that His leading in the simple things is just as much a reminder of my sonship as all those other things. And, since common moments are, well, more common than the uncommon ones, learning to recognize the simple leading of the Holy Spirit in the everyday moments opens up a lot more moments to be close to the Father.
Case in point: during my run this morning, I suddenly felt the need to stop and walk. Now, for many of you who don’t run, that seems reasonable. If we run, we get tired, and if we get tired, we want to walk. That’s true, but today I wasn’t tired. I didn’t need a walk break. And yet, there was an unmistakeable nudge to stop running and walk.
When I did, I walked over a patch of black ice that probably would have taken me out because, since I run in the early morning hours, I never would have seen it in the dark. He led me because He loves me, and He loves me because, well, He just does.
Recognizing that simple truth in the myriad of simple moments is a gift that is far too complex for us to fully comprehend. But let’s receive the gift anyway.
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)