Reading Time: < 1 minute
Sometimes, the greatest motivation is being seen.
It gives us hope to know that we aren’t alone.
Courage to know that we aren’t forgotten.
Endurance to know that we aren’t finished.
Sometimes, the greatest motivation is being seen.
It gives us hope to know that we aren’t alone.
Courage to know that we aren’t forgotten.
Endurance to know that we aren’t finished.
Have you ever expected someone to read your mind instead of telling them what you were thinking? Occasionally, I do this with The B99. Instead of simply telling her that I’d love a certain thing, I try to send her thoughts and non-verbal cues. It’s pretty ridiculous when you really think about it because what could be easier than simply saying what we want?
Imagine the following scenario. I’m craving some fantastic black pepper chicken from Jin Jin down the street (it’s killer — you should definitely try it), but I don’t tell Wendy that. I simply try to drop non-verbal hints about how I’d love to eat out instead of preparing and then cleaning up from a meal. I don’t call her or text her. I simply hope that our love will be enough for her to know what I want.
Then, she pulls up in the driveway, and as I go to help her bring her things in, I see the bags from Jin Jin. How excited am I? You know the answer to that! But then, when we sit down to eat and pull the food out, I don’t see any black pepper chicken. There are spring rolls, fried rice, some sesame chicken. All good stuff, but not what I really wanted.
How many of us would feel frustrated and disappointed? Most of us. But if I go off in anger, what is Wendy going to say? “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I just grabbed a bunch of stuff that I thought you’d like.”
Having a desire, not communicating it, and then being mad at people for not meeting it is ridiculous. It’s also a great way to kill a relationship.
Having a desire, not communicating it, and then being mad at people for not meeting it is ridiculous. Share on XAnd while I’m sure all of us can think of horizontal relationships where this applies, how much more important is it vertically with the Father?
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6 NIV, emphasis mine)
Prayer is the place where we actually say to God the things that we want and need and are concerned about. Yes, God knows our hearts (and I’m so thankful that He does!), and yet any good relationship is based on expressing what we’re thinking and feeling. Out loud. Without Jedi mind tricks. Too many followers of Jesus follow Him in silence, afraid to voice what they desire to Him or to any of the others following with them.
Don’t let that be you today. Right now, in every situation, begin presenting your requests to God. Say them out loud or write them in a journal. Pick a way that works for you, but pick a way that gets the words out of you.
It isn’t that God can’t read your mind; He can. Prayer allows us to develop a relationship with Him so He doesn’t have to.
Last night at midnight, while most of us were sleeping, we entered the last 100 days of 2021. Now, as I sip my coffee and write this, we’re down another 8 hours since then, which means we only have 2,392 hours left in the year.
A mere 8,615,352 seconds stand between us and 2022. Want to see that updated in real-time? There’s a website for that.
But there’s a point to that, too. There’s something about watching tine decrease that can actually increase our focus. When we know that our time is limited, we begin to filter out the time wasters. Time becomes a valuable commodity that we want to invest instead of waste.
Ephesians 5:16 instructs is to be careful how we live. In the King James Version, we find the phrase “redeeming the time.” The emphasis is on making the most of the time we have by using it for things that make the most impact.
Like me, you’ve probably got some unfinished 2021 goals. Knowing we’re in the final 100 days can help us focus our energy and efforts toward those. But this is bigger than just a year because all of us are running out of time in this life. From the day we’re born, the clock ticks backwards, and facing the reality of an approaching eternity somewhere can keep us from squandering our years here.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that God has set eternity in our hearts. Today, let’s live with it on our minds.