Reading Time: < 1 minute
Hey, there’s lots of stuff I could put here today…family, friends, football, turkey. But I’ll save the really sappy stuff for later on as we get closer to Christmas. For now, let me just say that I’m thankful to live in a country where people can write stuff like this and not get thrown in jail. As a bonus, I’m also thankful for how funny the cover of this book looks.
PS: No, I haven’t read the book…yet.
It’s nothing new that South Carolina and Kentucky are playing each other in a football game, or that they have similar records. What is incredible is that their records are good and they meet tonight both ranked in the top 15. Shoot, if USC was ranked one spot higher, they’d both be top 10. If the Gamecocks can pull off the win, they will be.
Postgame entry will come later. Hopefully it’ll be after a win.