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Got to get up early this morning and run the Turkey Trot in Albemarle with Parker. Before shot, Parker during the run, and Parker crossing the finish are below! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

Got to get up early this morning and run the Turkey Trot in Albemarle with Parker. Before shot, Parker during the run, and Parker crossing the finish are below! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I’m putting the push ups off until tomorrow, but I did head out early this morning for the longest run of my life: 5.37 miles in 54 minutes. So, even though it’s not a race, I just ran an 8k. I’m calling it the “Paul Didn’t Die 8k Road Race” and awarding myself first place. Next week I’ll finish up the One Hour Runner training with a 60 minute run without walking a single second of it. Pretty good for someone who only ran to the bathroom on occasion four months ago.
Early yesterday morning I crossed a milestone over at the Nike+ website. I’ve actually run almost twice as many miles, but the Nike+ site only counts the miles uploaded with their SportBand.