To be human is to not be enough.
We don’t like that, of course. After all, who wants to feel those not-enough feelings?
As a result, we seek pastors, therapists, self-help books and anything else available to us that will tell us that we are, in fact, enough, rather than bringing those feeling to the God who would tell us that he is.
He is the enoughness that we need.
He is the void-filler.
The Great I Am is all that I, tragically, am not.
He can when I can’t.
He will when I won’t.
He is everything I need to fill the gaps in all the ways I fall short.
When we bring our not-enoughness to his enoughness, the glory of it all remains squarely on him.
When we try to be enough apart from him, the glory of all we do has nowhere to rest because we weren’t made for glory. We were made to reflect glory, and when we do that, we’ll find that we have more than enough for all we face in this life.
Paul, whose resume reads like someone who could have easily seen himself as enough, summed it up well in his second letter to the church in Corinth:
Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant… (2 Corinthians 3:4-6a, emphasis mine)
He is all that we are not, and when we accept that simple truth, we’ll find ourselves becoming more and more as he is.