Day Seventeen: Questions – Part III
Did you miss Part I or Part II?
He should have been used to it, but he never could understand why people were so afraid to be near him. He tried once more, this time yelling to an elderly man who was out for an evening of seashell hunting.
“What’s that,” the old man responded.
“Could you help me for a moment?”
The gentleman nodded and approached the wheelchair. He listened as the young man explained the situation, and when no paper could be found, suggested that he use a stick and write it in the sand. The author agreed and began to recite the words to his new-found friend:
I look out and see a beautiful ocean
With all the waves set in motion.
I see the people as they pass me by,
I watch birds spread their wings and flyLook at the crab dart quickly in the sand
Narrowly escaping a child’s grasping hand.
There’s a beautiful shell made so carefully –
People notice the shell, but they don’t see me.It’s hard for me to talk and I move kind of slow
But my mind still works, and I really want to know –
I wonder as I sit here looking at the sea
Why the God Who made it all
Won’t reach down and heal me?
The old man put the stick down and knelt in the sand beside the young man. Expecting a sermon on why he shouldn’t say those things, they poet softened when the man whispered in his ear, “I don’t know. All I know is that God never promised us it would be easy; but He did promise to never leave.”
Tomorrow: Questions – Part IV
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