Day Twenty: The Man on the Rock – Part II

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Did you miss Part I

As I began to look away, something caught my eye. Something had moved on top of the rock, although I wasn’t sure what. Straining to see, I was barely able to make out the form of a man making his way to the top. I wiped the blood and dirt from my eyes and looked again. Now, seeing more clearly, I realized that he was looking for something. It was easy to see that he had expected something to be there that wasn’t. I could make out little more, other than the fact that he was alone. Yet even from a distance I could tell that this was a man of power and stability, unlike me. This is what drove me closer to him. Slowly, I crawled toward the rock, my eyes never leaving the man. The closer I got to the rock, the less pain I felt, until, at the bas of the rock, I was once again standing. The wind began to blow again, harder than before, but it was easier to keep my footing now that I was standing on the rock.

I stayed at the base for a while, leaning on a tree to brace myself against the wind. I studied the man. I longed to be near him and to learn from him. This one desire drove me on. And so I began the long climb, using the trees and branches to pull myself higher. It seemed that in no time I was halfway to the top. I looked back where I had come from and noticed how much the trees had thinned out; and then, looking ahead I found only a few more between myself and the top. I suddenly realized just how dependant I was becoming on the rock. I placed my face next to the cold stone. I had so much security when I was near the rock and I smiled when I thought about how much I needed it.

Tomorrow: The Man on the Rock – Part III

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Written by Paul Jenkins
Paul Jenkins is lead pastor of The Gathering, a community church located in beautiful downtown Albemarle, North Carolina. He's the author of God is My Air Traffic Controller and My Name's Not Lou. Paul is passionate about his wife, his 3 children, running, reading, coaching, leading people who are following Jesus, Swedish Fish and the Carolina Panthers.