Ever wanted to quit? Me, too. Here’s why we shouldn’t.

Early this morning I was finishing up my quiet time with Jesus. Now, before you go thinking that I’m “all that and a bag of chips” (Throwback phrases are the best, aren’t they? Word!) just know that some mornings, my quiet times with Jesus are actually just quiet times. I throw in the “with Jesus” part because He is technically there and so I’m being quiet with Him and well, on some days, that’s an accomplishment.
If you can’t relate to the struggle I just described in that last paragraph, feel free to move on to another blog where you’ll fit in. This blog is mine and I tend to write for those of us who love Jesus with every fiber of our being even on the days that we can’t get any fibers in our being to cooperate! But I digress.
As I was finishing up my prayer time and wondering if I’d actually succeeded at praying, a verse popped in my mind that brought a huge wave of relief to my mind and an even bigger smile to my face.
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…”
Hebrews 12:2
If I’ve noticed anything during all these years of following Jesus, it’s this: starting is WAY easier than finishing! We start books, reading plans, campaigns, journaling, ministries, churches, projects, college degrees. I started this list! And not one of those things was particularly hard to start, but every one of those things will require some effort to finish.
And that’s where I start to struggle, and it’s exactly where I found myself toward the end of my quiet, er, alone time with Jesus.
“What am I doing? Who am I talking to? Are You even listening?”
The answers came swiftly: “Praying. Author and Finisher. What?”
Ok. I’m kidding about the last answer, but I wouldn’t put it past God to mess with us every now and then when we ask silly things. Of course, He was listening! And He answered my questions with that verse I quoted earlier.
He’s not just the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE (you’ve got to read that in full-on echoing loudspeaker mode). And He’s even more than a Father (although I’m pretty content with Him in that role). This morning, as I felt closer to the 1 than the 10 on the scale of “powerful prayer warrior,” my Father, who is also the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, reminded me that HE is the author and the finisher of my faith.
When I feel too tired to go on, He writes about a green pasture beside still waters so I can rest.
When I don’t know what to do, He writes about a quiet place where I can hear Him speak wisdom to me without making me feel bad for needing it.
When I wonder if it’s worth it, He writes another piece of my backstory to remind me how far He’s brought me.
When I wonder if I’m worth it, He writes a dollar amount with too many zeroes to count to show me how much He values me.
When I think I might want to quit because it seems like I’ll never become the giant man of faith that I want to be, He draws the cross and shows me that it is finished.
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He’s not worried about me finishing, because He’s the finisher. He’s the One who called us to this life of faith, and if He called us, then He’ll do it.
This morning, that was all I needed to get up and keep going.
Well, the cup of dark roast didn’t hurt, either.
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