As I finished my last training run yesterday, it hit me…
I’m done.
Sure, there’s the small detail of actually running 50 miles on Saturday, but as far as getting ready for the biggest run of my life, there’s not a single thing left to do.
I’ve run almost 600 miles over the last several months.
I’ve posted countless updates on social media.
I’ve tagged numerous news outlets (hopefully it has increased the traffic for WBTV, WSOC, WCNC, FOX News, Fox & Friends, The Ellen Show and all the others!).
I’ve interviewed with the ones who responded (thanks SO MUCH for the coverage FOX46, 1010 WSPC and Stanly News and Press!!).
And now, there’s nothing left to do but run.
I told people early on that all I could control was the running, and it’s so true. I’ve got no control over the weather, the media coverage or even the amount of money we raise (although I am BEYOND THRILLED to be over 25% funded BEFORE I even take the first step!!).
We can’t ever waste energy on what others may be able to do, because at the end of the day, the only real question is how did WE spend the day? Did we do everything we could for others? Did we do everything we could to make sure we were in the best position to help others?
In other words, did we do what we could or just complain about what we couldn’t?
[Tweet “Have you done what you could or just complained about what you couldn’t?”]
If I’ve learned one thing during this whole process, it’s this: Do what you can do now while you dream about what you can’t do yet.
[Tweet “Do what you can do now while you dream about what you can’t do yet.”]
So many times we get paralyzed by the size of a problem. We see the enormity of a situation and quickly forget that if we do what we can, the likelihood of others joining in and doing what they can often creates a movement that can quickly grow to be much bigger than the problem.
It could happen, but it won’t happen without someone – anyone – going first.
And I’m not first. The organizations I’m running for are. Today, there are numerous groups fighting human trafficking because, years ago, Christine Caine decided that she’d do something, and A21 was born. Justice Ministries in Charlotte exists in large part because of the avalanche of awareness that A21 has brought to the issue.
Sure, running 50 miles is going to hurt, but the scariest part in all of this has been the thought that I might go through the pain of it all and not succeed in raising the funds and awareness that are so desperately needed to set 50 people free.
But when it’s all said and done, the only control we have is whether or not we’ve done what we said.
[Tweet “When it’s all said and done, the only control we have is whether or not we’ve done what we said.”]
The wisest man to ever walk the planet was onto something when he wrote words that echo in my soul every time I feel the panic of taking on injustices that are far bigger than me or my abilities:
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. (Proverbs 3:27)
That one verse screams at me, and hopefully, at you, too. There is good to be done, and we are in a position to do it.
Don’t withhold it.
No matter what others do or don’t do, make sure that YOU do good.
[Tweet “No matter what others do or don’t do, make sure that YOU do good.”]
When enough of us do, the solution will begin to paralyze the problem.
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