Filling the bank of faith
I love Psalm 136. It’s a beautiful example of how we can build up the balance in our faith account.
Twenty-six times, the Psalmist wrote about God’s enduring love and how it was reflected in the things God had done for His people in the past. Twenty-six times, a deposit was made in the faith account of the writer and readers that they would draw from in the future.
Sometimes we want God to do things now so that we’ll have faith now, but that’s not always the way it works. The faith you and I need now comes from remembering what God did then. Telling the stories of His past faithfulness is what builds our faith to see His present faithfulness.
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Remember how He saved you? Remember how He came through for you when you needed a healing or an end-of-the-month provision?
His love endures forever, and so does His faithfulness. This cumulative faithfulness allowed David to pen these words toward the end of his life:
I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. (Psalms 37:25 NIV)
Never. Don’t read over that word too quickly. David was able to look back over his entire life and say that he had never seen God fail to be faithful. Never.
Take some time to reflect and remember. Tell stories tonight around the dinner table about how God has come through for you, and watch that faith account’s balance begin to grow. God will do again what He has done all along. Great is His faithfulness!
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