Reading Time: < 1 minute

G90X - The Bible in 90 Days at The Gathering

DAY TEN (Leviticus 26:27 – Numbers 8:14)

Probably not a surprise that the first few chapters of a book called Numbers would include a good bit of counting!

The number of Israelites sure has grown from Joseph (about 70) until now (close to 2 million).

There is something to be said for given very specific instructions and reading Numbers 4:32 made me wonder if Moses would have been called a control freak.  Probably.

They had a very interesting way to test for infidelity! (Numbers 5:16-22)

One of the things I miss from growing up in the Methodist church was hearing the choir sing the benediction after each service.  There’s a lot of good stuff in it! (Numbers 6:22-26)

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