G90X – Day 33

Reading Time: < 1 minute

G90X - The Bible in 90 Days at The Gathering

DAY THIRTY-THREE (2 Chronicles 7:11 – 23:15)

Sometimes it’s really good to get the perspective of others who haven’t been in the same places we’ve been. (2 Chronicles 10:8)

2 Chronicles 11:1 – I had just had a conversation about a parent struggling with the fact that their child wasn’t getting any playing time on a basketball team at a Christian school.  They felt like it wasn’t “Christian” for every team member to not play.  I noticed here that the BEST soldiers were chosen for the fight.

When you’re taking your grandmother out, your dedication to God is strong! (2 Chronicles 15:16)

2 Chronicles 16:9 – I never realized that this very popular verse was actually part of a rebuke!

2 Chronicles 23:1 – after 6 years of hiding, Jehoiada did something.  Sometimes, we just get tired of hiding.

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Written by Paul Jenkins
Paul Jenkins is lead pastor of The Gathering, a community church located in beautiful downtown Albemarle, North Carolina. He's the author of God is My Air Traffic Controller and My Name's Not Lou. Paul is passionate about his wife, his 3 children, running, reading, coaching, leading people who are following Jesus, Swedish Fish and the Carolina Panthers.