G90X – Day 36

Reading Time: < 1 minute

G90X - The Bible in 90 Days at The Gathering

DAY THIRTY-SIX (Nehemiah 1 – Nehemiah 13:14)

No matter where we are, God can bring back a people who will worship Him! (Nehemiah 1:9)

Leaders need to see and evaluate the problem and project before they bring the followers into it (Nehemiah 2:13-16).  They also shouldn’t be surprised when distractors show up soon after (2:19)!

In Nehemiah 3, the phrases “so and so rebuilt the wall in front of his house” and “across from his house” occur a lot.  The entire wall is rebuilt by each person taking the responsibility to rebuild the wall where he lived.  The key to rebuilding a city lies in rebuilding neighborhoods!

Families worked and warred together in Nehemiah 4:13-14.

Nehemiah was in tune with where his people were and he led accordingly. (5:14, 18-19)

Nehemiah 6:3 – a great answer to the distractions in our lives! (Thank you, Andy Stanley!)

Nehemiah 6:5 – as a leader, you can’t devote your time and energy to the “unsealed” letters of opposition

Nehemiah 13:4 – the priest made an exception based on a relationship. We can’t do that if we’re to fully honor the word of God.

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Written by Paul Jenkins
Paul Jenkins is lead pastor of The Gathering, a community church located in beautiful downtown Albemarle, North Carolina. He's the author of God is My Air Traffic Controller and My Name's Not Lou. Paul is passionate about his wife, his 3 children, running, reading, coaching, leading people who are following Jesus, Swedish Fish and the Carolina Panthers.