G90X – Day 36
DAY THIRTY-SIX (Nehemiah 1 – Nehemiah 13:14)
No matter where we are, God can bring back a people who will worship Him! (Nehemiah 1:9)
Leaders need to see and evaluate the problem and project before they bring the followers into it (Nehemiah 2:13-16). They also shouldn’t be surprised when distractors show up soon after (2:19)!
In Nehemiah 3, the phrases “so and so rebuilt the wall in front of his house” and “across from his house” occur a lot. The entire wall is rebuilt by each person taking the responsibility to rebuild the wall where he lived. The key to rebuilding a city lies in rebuilding neighborhoods!
Families worked and warred together in Nehemiah 4:13-14.
Nehemiah was in tune with where his people were and he led accordingly. (5:14, 18-19)
Nehemiah 6:3 – a great answer to the distractions in our lives! (Thank you, Andy Stanley!)
Nehemiah 6:5 – as a leader, you can’t devote your time and energy to the “unsealed” letters of opposition
Nehemiah 13:4 – the priest made an exception based on a relationship. We can’t do that if we’re to fully honor the word of God.
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