G90X – Day 37

Reading Time: < 1 minute

G90X - The Bible in 90 Days at The Gathering

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN (Nehemiah 13:15 – Job 7)

Love how Nehemiah fought for God’s honor! (Nehemiah 13:25)

The same priest who made an exception based on a close relationship in Nehemiah 13:4 did it again in verse 28.  Stupid.

I love the book of Esther!  Glad to have finally reached it in the reading…

I found it a bit double-standardish (it’s a word now!) that the King got rid of Queen Vashti over a character issue (her refusal to submit) but chose to replace her based on a beauty contest. (Esther 2:3-4)

As many times as I’ve heard (and read) the famous Esther verse (4:14 – “for such a time as this), I’d never noticed that Esther and Mordecai didn’t have that conversation face to face, but rather through a messenger.

We’re in big trouble when we assume that God wants to honor us more than others. (Esther 6:6)

Esther 6:13 – seems that they needed this discernment at the end of chapter 5.

Job 6:21 – real friends don’t run from the pain in others

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Written by Paul Jenkins
Paul Jenkins is lead pastor of The Gathering, a community church located in beautiful downtown Albemarle, North Carolina. He's the author of God is My Air Traffic Controller and My Name's Not Lou. Paul is passionate about his wife, his 3 children, running, reading, coaching, leading people who are following Jesus, Swedish Fish and the Carolina Panthers.