Go down, not UPS
For most of my life, I’ve wanted to communicate. Whether it was as a boy being silly in front of my family, in middle and high school cracking jokes for my class, or as an adult speaking and writing weekly, I’ve always known that God had a calling on my life as a communicator.
The problem was that I also wanted to be in the delivery business. I wanted to make sure that what I was communicating would be heard, seen, and read by as many people as possible. In and of itself, that’s not a bad goal, but for me, it too often caused me to feel defeated because I focused more on the masses that I wanted to communicate with than the message I wanted to communicate to them.
I’ll never forget the man who laid hands on me in the back room of a church where I was serving as the youth pastor and prayed a very simple word over me. “You take care of the depth and God will take care of the breadth.” Now, breadth isn’t one of those words that we use a lot nowadays, so let me rephrase it just a bit. When we take care of the depth, God takes care of the delivery.
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God is far more interested in the messenger than the message. After all, we know from the Bible that He can speak through a donkey, so getting the message out to people isn’t really a challenge to God. But getting the messenger ready to deliver the message? That’s the deal.
If you’re like me, you want God’s truth and peace and love and grace to reach as many people as possible. That’s good. So make getting away with the Lord a regular part of your rhythms and allow Him to dig deep. Let Him develop you and in turn you’ll develop the message He’s giving you. Leave the delivery to Him. He’s the best at getting His message out there!
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