Hope rising
It’s no secret that I would listen to Christmas music year-round, but because I love The B99 so much, I don’t. It’s not that she doesn’t like Christmas or Christmas music, she does. She’s just got this weird idea that Thanksgiving has to happen first, and so we roll with that.
But trust me when I say that Christmas music is playing all the time in our home as soon as Wendy gives the green light, and I’ve noticed something happening this year more than in previous years.
Hope is rising.
How could it not? Every song is about the coming of a King who would walk with us, talk to us, die for us, and raise us up with Him! Every song reminds me that the darkness cannot overcome the light, and that the one my soul longs for came.
He came.
In this season of Advent, don’t miss that simple truth.
He came, and He brought hope with Him.
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