Joel Osteen admits he isn’t really that happy

Joel Osteen, the pastor of Lakewood Church, the largest Protestant church in America, admitted in a shocking interview that he really isn’t happy as he appears.
“I remember joking around when I was a kid,” Osteen confessed, “and at one point I snuck up behind my mom, tapped her on the shoulder, and when she turned around I had this big, toothy grin on my face hoping to get a laugh out of her.”
What he got was a whole lot worse!
“She looked at me, frowned, and then she pointed her finger at me and scolded (like only moms can), ‘Joel Scott Osteen, your face will freeze like that!’ Now, it has.”
I tried to reach Joel Osteen to verify the truth of this story, but he didn’t respond to my inquiries. I also had no success trying to find anything on Wikipedia. If you also can’t find any truth to this tale, I’d suggest you just chalk it up to April Fool’s silliness and a curiosity to see how something like this could impact a person’s blog stats.
You cunningly exposed my true feelings about Joel Osteen! When I saw your post I immediately clicked on it with anticipation….thinking that finally the ruse was up! Oh we’ll, back to reading “It’s Your Time”
“I declare!”