Living in the Presence
What comes to mind when people talk about the presence of God? My guess is that many people think abut church and other religious activities that are designed to help us “enter his presence.” But the reason those fall short is that they miss the obvious truth: we’re already in his presence.
Jesus tore the veil from top to bottom. The Holy Spirit adopted us into the family of God, and now we can call the Sovereign God, Father! We have the Holy Spirit living within us. We live with great expectation because we live in the presence of God 24/7/365.
[Tweet “Imagine the power that would be present in corporate worship services if believers came WITH the presence instead of trying to come TO the presence.”]
Imagine the power that would be present in corporate worship services if believers came with the presence instead of trying to come to the presence. It would be powerful, anointed, and full of fire. Imagine if singing a song on repeat wasn’t trying to twist God’s arm to “do something” but was instead about responding to God’s heart by simply enjoying his presence. Imagine sitting on the edge of our seats during the message because we knew that we were listening to the words of the one we love and who loves us.
Today, I’m taking Jesus to church with me, and I have high hopes about what he might do when we get there!
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