I’m on a bit of a progress kick. Don’t misread that as I’m making a ton of progress, but rather as I can’t stop thinking about progress. How we make it. How we measure it. I’m making a lot of progress in the amount of time I think about progress.
One thing I thought about recently is how differently we measure progress compared to how God often measures progress.
We measure how far we are from perfection, but God measures how far we’ve moved toward perfection.
[Tweet “We measure how far we are from perfection, but God measures how far we’ve moved toward perfection.”]
When we take steps forward, we often only see how far we still are from where we want to be. We’re crossing the 10th mile marker of a marathon almost crushed by the realization that we still…have…16…more…miles…to…go. And that killer .2, as well. Ugh!
But God sees every step forward as a reminder of how far we’ve come from where we were. “You’ve run 10 miles? Remember when you got short of breath getting a snack out of the fridge? You’re gonna crush this last 16.2 miles!”
Perspective is huge, and God has the best one. He has the greatest vantage point from which to view our lives, our progress, our journey. Ask Him to help you see where you are the same way He does.