Reading Time: < 1 minute
DAY TWENTY-SIX (1 Kings 16:21 – 2 Kings 4:37)
Of all the things that stood out to me, the one that I couldn’t shake was how often Jeroboam was referred to in a negative way. Over and over again, he was mentioned in 1 Kings 16 as a kind of touchstone of evil. I do not want to leave this kind of legacy.
2 Kings 2:10 – My guess is that Elisha stuck very closely to Elijah. I know I wouldn’t have let him out of my sight.
Baldness was not a good thing and neither was making fun of it! (2 Kings 2:23)
God provided for more than just what she needed to get out of debt. He provided for her daily needs beyond that, too. (2 Kings 4:7)