Reading Time: 2 minutesPhilippians 1:6
…being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
You know those Type A people who are always setting goals and then completing them well ahead of schedule while multitasking the cleaning out of the garage and the reading of 2 novels simultaneously? I’m not that guy. I’m close to Type A, if you add the 2 Ds after it. In fact, the funny thing about my writing is that I love really long sentences which anybody reading who is also Type ADD would never even get through in one try. More than likely, you Type ADD people have already started this evotion over a couple of times, and you Type A people have finished reading it even before I finished writing it.
The verse above always cracks me up because it is all the proof I need to be forever reminded that I am not God, because it’s all I can do to finish reading books, let alone finish some beautiful, spiritual re-creating in a soul. Man, if your salvation hinged on my ability to finish something I’ve started, you are in serious trouble.
I guess all this thinking about goal-setting and goal-completing is fresh on my mind because I am now one-third of the way to completing my training for a 5K, and every day gets harder to complete. Anyone who knows me already knows how much I hate running, but this is getting seriously ridiculous. Everything in me is screaming at me to just quit. I know, though, that it is not the nature of God to quit, and it cannot be my nature, either. Perseverance, whether in reading a book, running a race, or following Jesus, is evidence of the character of God in us, because He perseveres, too, in the work He has begun in us.
I’m glad, aren’t you?