Reading Time: 3 minutesJohn 17:15
My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.
The other day Sydney came running into the kitchen holding up 2 slices of bacon. That alone caught my attention because I wasn’t sure where she’d gotten the bacon and I was even more unsure of why I didn’t have any.
But, I digress. As I was looking at her, she asked me matter-of-factly if I knew how to feed a piranha. Now, I don’t know what kinds of things happen to you during the course of a normal day, but being asked if I know how to feed piranhas by a five year-old standing in my kitchen holding 2 slices of bacon isn’t one of those things. This was – even for my reality – WAY out of the norm.
“No,” I replied. “How?”
“You drop the bacon in the water where the piranhas are and then you run!” She stood there, watching me, all the time knowing that I needed to know more, even if I didn’t ask. “If you hold the bacon down for them to eat it,” she continued, “they’ll eat the bacon and your fingers all the way to the bone!!” That, she decided, completed the piranha-feeding course, so she turned and walked out while eating her bacon. She left me amazed, wondering how she’d gained such knowledge and still unsure about why I didn’t have any bacon.
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