Right search. Wrong place.

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On Easter, I celebrate what’s empty. Well, not just me — there are many believers all over the world who are celebrating what’s empty, too.

There are a couple of accounts of that first Easter morning in the Bible, but perhaps my favorite comes from Luke. The women had gone to look after the body of Jesus, but when they got to the tomb, it was empty. 2 angels were there and the angels asked a question and made a statement that should challenge all of us:

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” Luke‬ ‭24:5-6‬

Translation: what are you doing in a graveyard when He told you He wouldn’t stay dead?

They were looking for the right person, but they were looking in the wrong place. You won’t find living people in tombs.

All these years later, people are still searching for the right things in the wrong places. What’s the good news in all of this, you ask? Simply that even though Jesus won’t be found in the dead places we look, He will find us in those places and lead us from places of death into resurrected life.

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Written by Paul Jenkins
Paul Jenkins is lead pastor of The Gathering, a community church located in beautiful downtown Albemarle, North Carolina. He's the author of God is My Air Traffic Controller and My Name's Not Lou. Paul is passionate about his wife, his 3 children, running, reading, coaching, leading people who are following Jesus, Swedish Fish and the Carolina Panthers.