Running + CrossFit = sure death

Well, not really. But this morning when I woke up and it was 28 degrees outside (with an F, not a C), I thought this would be the perfect day to try #24 on the list of 30 CrossFit exercises that can be done without equipment*.
*Translation: hard things you can do but not have to pay for at an expensive CrossFit box (which means “gym” in fancy “we’re cool CrossFitters and you’re not” language).
So, I went out the door to run ONE MILE. That’s right, ONE. Now, over the last 5 years of my running journey, I’ve run enough miles to go to California and back (I live in NC), and so one mile is pretty much the kind of distance I can do in my sleep. (Wendy, my Better 99%, swears I do move a lot while sleeping, but I doubt I’m running a mile each night!)
The only difference was that the exercise calls for stopping every minute and doing 10 Air Squats. I’ve yet to actually do an entire exercise on this list, and usually cut them in half (if not in fourth), but since I am actually a runner, I went with this one just as it’s written.
My time? 11:03, including the stops every minute to do 10 squats. I ended up stopping 10 times, which means I totaled 100 air squats. And the worst of all was having to stop the last time when I was at .97 miles, but hey, if you’re going to die, at least die with integrity, right?
Anybody else trying to do this CrossFit stuff without taking out a second mortgage? Give this one a shot and post your time in the comments section.
I’ll post a time soon, but I’m going to swap out air squats with burpees!! Ice Up Son!!!!
Awesome. You’ll beat me time AND have substituted something harder. Can’t wait to see your time!