Reading Time: < 1 minute
DAY THIRTY-THREE (2 Chronicles 7:11 – 23:15)
Sometimes it’s really good to get the perspective of others who haven’t been in the same places we’ve been. (2 Chronicles 10:8)
2 Chronicles 11:1 – I had just had a conversation about a parent struggling with the fact that their child wasn’t getting any playing time on a basketball team at a Christian school. They felt like it wasn’t “Christian” for every team member to not play. I noticed here that the BEST soldiers were chosen for the fight.
When you’re taking your grandmother out, your dedication to God is strong! (2 Chronicles 15:16)
2 Chronicles 16:9 – I never realized that this very popular verse was actually part of a rebuke!
2 Chronicles 23:1 – after 6 years of hiding, Jehoiada did something. Sometimes, we just get tired of hiding.