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Parker, Will, and I left this morning to go to Moss Point, Mississippi, with a team of youth from North Albemarle Baptist Church. I’ve prayed that God would expand our ministry into 2 more states in 2008, and this week is one and next week will be the other. This week the new state in Mississippi and I’m excited because it’s and answer to prayer and it’s my sons’ first mission trip. Next week I’ll be in West Virginia and that’ll be the second state God has opened to us this year.
Today was all about the road. We drove somewhere around 650 miles and with all the stops for meals, gas, and bathroom visits (pretty much in that order, too) it took about 13 hours. That’s a long time. Some things I noticed:
1) You can eat a lot of junk food when you’re driving in a car that long.
2) Some people appear to be idiots even if upon further investigation they may not be. Case in point: As we were driving, we passed through some pretty intense storms and passed a pick-up truck on the side of the interstate. They had a bunch of stuff in the bed and had all climber out to try to get it covered. At first, I felt bad for them. Then I realized that there was an overpass literally 100 yards behind them that they could have simply backed under. See what I mean? They’re probably not idiots when you get to know them, but they appeared to be.
3) After driving for a very long time, there was a bright spot. Really. There’s a place near Mobile, Alabama called The Bright Spot. I can’t find it anywhere on the internet, but I’ll try to snap a pic of it on the return trip this Friday.
It’s late and I’m tired. More tomorrow.