What’s in your hand?
I love the story of Moses.
Here’s a man called by God to do something big and who realizes that he probably doesn’t have what it takes. That’s when one question from God began to shift his perspective:
“What is that in your hand?”
You can read the whole story in the 3rd and 4th chapters of Exodus, but let’s focus on this one question for now. When we’re faced with a calling that seems too far beyond our abilities, it’s so easy for our minds to focus on all the things that we don’t have.
“I’m sorry, Lord. Did you say start a YouTube channel? How can it succeed when I don’t have a studio or a camera or a microphone or a…?”
When faced with larger-than-us opportunities, it’s way too easy to let our minds get consumed with smaller-than-God obstacles. God, Who created us and our minds and knows how this all works, deals with us the same way He dealt with Moses: He calls our attention away from want we don’t have and back on what we do.
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“What’s in your hand?” For Moses, it was a staff. For us, it’s probably a phone.
“This old thing? It’s just a phone, and it’s about 4 versions older than the snazzy new model. I’m not sure it’s going to work.”
God told Moses to throw what was in his hand to the ground. (I’m not suggesting you do with your phone unless you have a really good case!)
On the ground, the staff became a snake and then a staff again when Moses picked it back up. What’s the point? God can only transform what we have when we release it to Him.
It’s possible that God has already equipped you for what He’s calling you to do. Sometimes it just takes us seeing the things that we already have differently. I’m confident that Moses never saw his staff the same way after that encounter.
We won’t, either. Give God what you’ve got and let His power transform it into exactly what you need.
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