When I’m quiet
Today is the 114th day of the year, so I’m not quite one-third of the way through my goal of writing something every day in 2021.
But this morning, I don’t want to write. I want to simply sit quietly and listen to that still small voice that tells me I’m enough.
The truth is that we will often not do enough, or say enough, or earn enough. I may not write enough, or develop a thought deeply enough, or weave my words together beautifully enough to make people want to read more.
But the greater truth is that it’s impossible to not be enough. We were all enough on the day we were born, and we’ll still be enough on the day we die. We don’t have to do anything to be enough, and every single day we live is another attempt to convince us that that statement isn’t true.
But it is.
And when I’m quiet — really quiet — the loving whispers from God grow louder than the lying shouts from the enemy.
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“You are my beloved. Period.”
Now, that’s something to write about. 😀
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