Where you’re going is more important than what you’re doing.

Instead of setting goals to start trying to achieve at the beginning of the new year, this year I’m choosing to think through the type of person I’d like to be at the end of the new year.
On December 31, 2014, I will be….
1) More like Jesus. This sounds pretty arrogant, but only if I expect to achieve this by reading the Bible more, praying more and going to church more. Sure, I’ll more than likely do all of that, but I’ll look more like Jesus because I’m promised in Scripture that as I see Him, I’ll be more like Him (2 Corinthians 3:18; Romans 8:29). That’s the Holy Spirit’s job, and I’m pretty sure He can handle it. My prayer is simply to see Jesus like the shepherds did (Luke 2:17), and the rest (looking like Him, telling others about Him, etc.) will take care of itself.
2) Farther down the road. Literally, because I run. I’m not running to be a runner, but to be healthier. Sometimes goals can get in the way of being healthier, and I’m in this running thing for (pardon the pun) the long run. Do I have a mileage amount in mind for 2014? Sure. It’s 2014. To keep myself focused more on health instead of achievement, I’m not even going to worry about time or pace. I’m just gonna run like Forrest Gump. Slower, steadier, and healthier.
3) Smarter than I am now. Not just because I’m hoping to get through (either by reading or listening – but I still prefer formats that allow me to HIGHLIGHT) one book a week, but because I’m going to actually think about how to apply what I learn. That’s the true measure. And if I’m applying what I’m learning, then I’ll be writing a lot more, too. And that means that on December 31, 2014, I’ll have probably shared a lot of what I’ve learned with you on this blog and in a book. But I don’t want to write tens of thousands of words if I don’t have something to say, and learning – and applying what I learn – will allow the sharing to be much more natural.
4) Closer to the people that matter. I made a decision during the old year to be present in the moment, and I’m going to be intentional about carrying that into the new one. It means that the next conversation isn’t more important than the current conversation. It mean that technology – while pretty darn impressive – isn’t more important than people, and is only useful if it helps me be closer to people. One thing I’ve done for over a year now is to turn my iPhone screen-side down during conversations. It keeps my ADHD from getting the best of me when the screen lights up, and that helps me stay in the moments that matter.
And perhaps the most important of all is the last one. On December 31, 2014, I will be…
5) Successful at all of the things I listed above. Not because I set the right goals and accomplished them (maybe I will, maybe I won’t), but because I chose the right results and moved closer to them. In the end, being further down the road and HEADED IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION is what makes any of us successful.
So choose your destination wisely, because achieving things won’t matter if you end up farther away from where – and who – you want to be.
Have a happy – and healthy – new year!
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