With a name like Air Squats, who knew they’d hurt?

Apparently, a simple exercise with the harmless name of “air squats” is a fairly core exercise in the CrossFit world. Having spent a few years actually lifting weights, I know what a squat is, and I’m used to them actually having a bar with some weights resting heavily on your shoulders as you go down and then back up. Squats that I’ve done in the past not only hurt your legs, but they don’t feel so good on the neck, shoulders, and back, either.
So the idea of equating with air? Pretty appealing. And in keeping with my introductory plan of taking many of these excercises and cutting them in half, I decided to give number 8 on the list a shot. How long would it take me to do only 50 air squats, and how much could that really hurt.
The good news is it took less than 2 minutes (1:43 to be exact). The bad news is that my legs burned for about 1:12 of that.
Sure, I’m just dipping my toe in the CrossFit waters, but every time I try one of these workouts (well, half of one of these workouts) I gain more and more respect for the people who are doing this stuff for more than 2 minutes a day.
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