Working on something new

The new never comes without work.
You get a new raise at work, and that requires the work of budgeting the new income.
You get a new phone, and that requires the work of transferring data from the old one.
You get a new wardrobe, and that requires deciding what clothes to give away. It probably also requires reorganizing your closet.
The point isn’t that we shouldn’t want new things, but that we shouldn’t expect new things to keep us from working on things.
Got a new relationship? Guess what? You’re in it, which means there are probably things you still need to work on from old relationships so you won’t bring them into the new one.
We fall for the fallacy of the new all the time, as if the newness relieves us of the need to do anything.
But when God does a new thing, it usually means we’re going to do something, too.
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